Freedom Mastery Planners Review

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Freedom Mastery Planners

These planners have been a part of my daily routine for 3 years now. I can’t tell you how many friends and coworkers I have gotten to get these planners, after seeing my dedication to these books.

This law of attraction planner truly has it all. It starts by asking you some questions to get to know what you truly want and why. After you write down as many goals, big or small, that you can think of, it makes sure you are balanced within all areas of your life with your goals.

This planner gives many graphics about the 7 chakras and checklists to make sure you are honoring yourself and energy. Once you find your goals, it has a road map strategy on how to achieve what you want. Through manifestation, it has you write out powerful statements to dedicate yourself to and create a mood board to truly envision your desires.

The law of attraction planner has you break down every month and week to stay aligned with your goals, and the habits you need to create to achieve your dreams. Every month there is a reflection page (this is my favorite part) to see how you stayed on track and how your energy felt along the way. The reflection page asks open ended questions on what you learned, where you put most of your time, and who inspired you along the way.

I will say the only one I was not a fan of was the books with the spiral bind. Unfortunately, the tabs would rip and then the covers would fall off. They give you replacements, but they are plastic unlike the original cover. Therefore, I would definitely recommend the solid spine books. I also get the bigger size (B5) because my handwriting is the size of a kindergartener.

The other planner that I'm obsessed with is the financial planner. Let me tell you.. it is EYE OPENING. For me, this budgeting planner allowed me to see where I’m unnecessary spending, acknowledge it, and control it. It helped me see where I can cut spending (fast food and shopping) and put it towards my goals of investing or saving.

Once I saw on paper how much money I was actually spending on plants, I knew this planner was a necessity in my life. This tracker made a conscious shift in my mind to actually think before I spend my money.

The Freedom Mastery books have truly helped me turn my disorganized mind into a strategized lifestyle. I truly love getting my 10 mins a day in with my planners. It’s a form of self care for me, and I feel like I’m catering to my needs when I write in them. They have the cutest hippie designs with different color options.

If you get one of these planners, message me on Instagram and give me feedback after a couple weeks of using it.

About the Author

Kenzie Zirkelbach

My name is Kenzie Zirkelbach and I’m the creator behind ZirkZine, which is an online publication built to showcase authenticity in the everyday. I believe a strong mind, body and spirit is the best way to achieve happiness. Through spirituality, confidence and a healthy lifestyle is what I believe is the best way to achieve any goal. My blog will provide raw emotions and dialogue because reality has no filters. I hope to build a close niche community who brings people together and lifts each other up. As always, thank you for reading and engaging in this community.

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