Finding Your Flow - Beginner Tips to Start Flowing

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Main photo by jonny clow on Unsplash

The worst part of any festival is the part when we have to go home. Finally, one festival showed me how I can keep the rave with me all the time.

The first night I stepped into Electric Forest (literally the best festival ever btw) I had never seen so many lights. No, I’m not talking about lights from the stages or lasers, I mean from people - expressing their art with flow toys. 

Common Flow Toys

  1. Hula Hoops
  2. Poi Balls
  3. Fiber Optics/Pixel Whip
  4. Levitating Wands
  5. LED Gloves 
  6. Silk Fans
  7. Orbite
  8. Dragon Staff
  9. Fire Toys (Not for the beginner… They on X-Games Mode)
  10.  And so many more that come out all the time

The toy that caught my attention most was the pixel whip. It gives off so many tracers and affects. It can be sexy, creative with shapes, or so fast it can rock out with the headbangers.

Tip for Starting a Flow Toy

1. Watch Tutorials, but don’t marry yourself to them

Learn the basics, but after that fall into your own style. Everyone is different and not every move works for you. That's what makes flow art special.

People who have great tutorials for pixel whips: @D_lectric, @Squiggly_mcpickins, @AlienJon, &  @Firecat_fushion (She’s just fun to watch and aspire to be like, she’s so good omg)

2. Wear Silky Clothes & Protective Eyewear 

I’ve found wearing long sleeves, dri-fit material works best to help the whip glide across you. The oils from your skin can make it stick and not flow as nicely.

3. Practice in front of a mirror

It helps you learn to feel the whip and see what moves look like.


I’m awk and hated this at first too, but it really helps you learn and see what you're doing. Plus when you get good you’ll have dope videos of yourself to share.

5. Give Yourself Time

I tried starting out with my favorite hard core EDM mixes and thought I’d look like a light bending goddess like the videos I watched...yeah, that’s not how it works lol. Play some chill vibes and get your moves/flow down first. Trust the process.

6. Practice, Practice, Practice

Trust me this will be the easiest part. Once you land ONE move you’ve been practicing for you won't want to stop. Tip 7 will help with this too.

7. Join a Flow Community

I wish I knew these were real when I first started. There’s people right at your disposal to answer all of your questions or just to share your art with and make new friends.  Communities for Fiber Whips: Dancing with Lightning, Female Ravers United (FRU) Flow Fam, & Fiberflies Community.

8. Find Your Flow

Put on your favorite jams, feel the beat, and full send it. Go with the flow and enjoy the journey.

Now with flow art in my life I can have the festival with me wherever I go. I know I'll always be able to attend shows because I can enjoy them comfortably from the back and be able to express myself with my art when I’m too old to break my neck on the rail anymore. Comment and tell me your favorite flow toy, and how you got started, or if you are a beginner let me know if my tips helped you get flowing!

About the Author

Kenzie Zirkelbach

My name is Kenzie Zirkelbach and I’m the creator behind ZirkZine, which is an online publication built to showcase authenticity in the everyday. I believe a strong mind, body and spirit is the best way to achieve happiness. Through spirituality, confidence and a healthy lifestyle is what I believe is the best way to achieve any goal. My blog will provide raw emotions and dialogue because reality has no filters. I hope to build a close niche community who brings people together and lifts each other up. As always, thank you for reading and engaging in this community.

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